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4. The president as a head of the state coordinates the activity of all three branches of power. He is the guarantor of the Constitution of the RF and of human and civil rights and freedoms of citizens. The president is elected for a term of six years by the citizens of Russia on the basis of general, equal and direct vote by secret ballot. A citizen of the RF not younger than 35, who has resided in the RF for not less than 10 years, may be elected president of the RF but not more than for two terms in succession.

5. The legislative power is exercised by the Federal Assembly, which consists of the Federation Council and the State Duma. The State Duma has 450 seats, which are allocated to the various political parties based on national election results. The deputies are elected for a five-year term. The upper chamber - the Federation Council – reflects the federal nature of our state, whereby political power is divided between a central authority and all locally autonomous units – the subjects of the federation. There are two deputies of the Council from each subject: one from the executive and one from the repre-

sentative bodies. The main job of the deputies is to make laws.

6. The executive power in Russia is exercised by the government headed by the prime-minister who is appointed by the president with consent of the State Duma. The executive branch of the government manages federal property and ensures:

o the implementation of a uniform monetary policy in Russia;

o the implementation of a uniform state policy in the field of culture, science, education, health, social security and ecology;

o the country's defense, state security and the implementation of the foreign policy of the RF.

The work of this branch of power is regulated by federal constitu-

tional laws.

7. The judicial power belongs to the system of courts, which consists of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (the SC RF) and inferior courts. All federal judges are appointed by the president of the RF.

8. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation interprets the Constitution of our country. Legislative enactments, executive bylaws and international agreements may not be applied if they violate the Constitution.

9. The SC RF is the highest judicial body on civil, criminal, administrative and other matters triable by general jurisdiction courts; it also acts as the tribunal of last resort for economic and commercial disputes (i.e. the current Supreme Court also covers the functions of the former Supreme Commercial (Arbitration) Court). The SC RF shall effect judiciary supervision over the activity of all inferior courts and shall offer explanations on judicial practice issues.



perform - исполнять, выполнять monarchic - монархический

republican - республиканский democratic - демократический

federal state - федерация, федеративное государство unitary state - унитарное государство

cabinet government – парламентаризм, кабинетское правление (система управления государством, при которой решающую роль играет кабинет министров)

presidential government - президентская форма правления; правительство, назначаемое и возглавляемое главой государства

subdivision – подразделение

despite - несмотря на, вопреки чему-л.

economics - хозяйственная жизнь, экономические характеристики, экономические показатели

majority – большинство

accept – соглашаться, принимать make a decision – принять решение common agreement - общее согласие guarantor - поручитель; гарант

general, equal and direct vote – всеобщее прямое голосование secret ballot - тайное голосование

reside - проживать, жить in succession - подряд

Federal Assembly – Федеральное собрание

Federation Council – Совет федерации

State Duma - Государственная дума central authority - центральная власть

locally autonomous unit – самоуправляющаяся территория deputy - депутат

representative body - представительный орган consent – согласие, разрешение

ensure - гарантировать, обеспечивать

implementation - выполнение, исполнение, осуществление, реализация, введение в действие

uniform monetary policy - единая кредитно-денежная политика uniform state policy – единая государственная политика

social security - социальное страхование, социальное обеспечение state security – государственная безопасность

foreign policy - внешняя политика

Supreme Court - Верховный суд inferior courts - нижестоящий суд judge – судья


legislative enactment - законодательный акт

bylaw - подзаконный акт; постановление местных органов власти apply – применять, использовать

violate - нарушать, попирать, преступать

triable by general jurisdiction court - подлежащий рассмотрению в суде общей юрисдикции

tribunal of last resort - последняя судебная инстанция, суд высшей инстанции

former – существовавший ранее, предшествующий, бывший supervision - надзор, наблюдение; заведование, контроль judicial practice issues – вопросы судебной практики

1.3. (*) FORMATION

- democrat, democracy, democratic, democratize;

- execute, executed, unexecuted, executing, executor, executory, executorial, executive, executable, execution;

-govern, governable, ungovernable, governance, governed, governing, governor, governess, government, governmental;

-parliament, parliamentary, unparliamentary, parliamentarism;

-preside, president, presidency, presidential;

-represent, representing, represented, representable, representative, representation, unrepresentative, misrepresent, misrepresentation;

-republic, republican, republicanism;

-supervise, supervised, supervising, supervisory, supervision.


1.What is a broad meaning of the term “government”?

2.How are governments classified?

3.What kind of state is the RF?

4.How many branches of power are there on the federal level?

5.Who and how coordinates all these branches?

5.How are the deputies of both chambers of the Federal Assembly chosen?

6.What is the jurisdiction of these two chambers?

7.Who is the executive power in the RF headed by?

8.How is the work of the federal government regulated?

9.What powers are entrusted to the executive branch?

10.What is the composition of the federal judiciary?

11.What is the jurisdiction of the highest judicial bodies?


a) LOOK THROUGH the following statements pertaining to the text “State system of Russia”:


1.In a federation no region, even the majority of regions, can force the others to accept a decision.

2.In a federation the form of state structure is highly centralized.

3.The RF president is elected by the deputies of the Federal Assembly for a term of six years.

4.Any citizen of the RF may be elected president of the RF.

5.The State Duma reflects the federal nature of our state.

6.The main job of the executive agencies is to make laws.

7.All federal judges are elected by people on the basis of general, equal and direct vote by secret ballot.

8.The Supreme Court is the highest judiciary body resolving economic and commercial disputes.

b)EXPRESS YOUR AGREEMENT OR DISAGREEMENT with the foregoing statements; in your answer you should use the expressions given below:

all correct - всё правильно

I fully agree with the statement ... because … - Я полностью согласен с утверждением .... так как ...

that’s true = true enough – верно; это правда

without question = for sure = certainly = surely – вне сомнения;

безусловно; конечно

Yes, indeed. - Несомненно!

I doubt … = I have my doubts about ... = I’m not so sure... – у меня есть сомнения ...; я не уверен, что ...

I disagree - я думаю иначе; я не согласен it’s wrong – не так; не верно

the statement is inaccurate – это утверждение неверно accompanying expressions – сопутствующие фразы

according to the text ... - согласно тексту ...

as I see it - как мне это представляется frankly speaking - откровенно говоря

from my personal point of view - с моей точки зрения I am convinced that … - я убежден, что ...

I reckon that … - думаю, что ...

in my opinion - по моему мнению; на мой взгляд taking into account - с учётом; принимая во внимание to my mind - на мой взгляд

what I want to say is that ... – то что я хочу сказать, так это ...


a)выполнять в стране функции органа управления;

b)иметь равные права наряду со всеми остальными;

c)основываться на результатах всеобщих выборов;


d)распоряжаться федеральным имуществом;

e)осуществлять судебный надзор;

f)распределяться между различными политическими партиями.

1.7. ENGAGE IN CONVERSATION. Discuss the following illustration in the context of the system of “checks and balances” in the Russian Federation:

“Checks and Balances” on the Federal Level

1.8. (**) SAY WHAT YOU KNOW about:

1)the characteristic features of the federal form of the Russian Federation;

2)pluses and minuses of democracy;

3)the difference between the role of law-enforcement agencies in democratic and totalitarian states.

NOTE: Reliable information may be obtained from free Internet resources indicated in Appendix 2 (p. 305).


1. Do you support the statement: “It is not the voting that is democracy, it is counting”?


2.Does the Russian Federation have national symbols? What do they symbolize?

3.How do you understand the well-known idea: “The essence of the democracy is not the majority power but the protection of the minority”? How does this idea respond to the main principle of the democracy of minority subordination to the majority?

4.What problems of the Russian state structure development are the most urgent in your opinion?

5.What body of the state structure serves as the main apparatus of the democracy? Give arguments.

WORK IN PAIRS. One of you should talk for not less than one minute about the sentence chosen for discussion; the other should use at least one of the expressions given in Appendix 3 (p. 306) while responding to the speech of the groupmate and then ask a question about statements contained in his/her speech.


1. What do you know about the European monarchies?

2. Name some of the British monarchs. What did they become famous for?


British Monarchy

1. The United Kingdom is one of six constitutional monarchies within the European Community. The kingdom includes the island of Great Britain (comprising England, Scotland, and Wales)

and Northern Ireland. Windsor as the name of the royal family of Great Britain was adopted in 1917. The name was taken from Windsor Castle. Reigning members of the house of Windsor have been George V, Edward VIII, George VI, and Elizabeth II.

2. Actually the monarch reigns but does not rule. He or she summons and dissolves Parliament; he/she usually opens new sessions of Parliament in the House of Lords with a speech from the throne in which the major government policies are outlined. The monarch must give the royal assent before a bill which has passed all its stages in both Houses of Parliament can become a legal enactment (act of Parliament). As head of state, the monarch has the power to sign international agreements, to cede or receive territory, and to declare war or make peace. The monarch confers honours and makes appointments to all important offices of state, including ministers, judges, officers in the armed services, diplomats and the leading positions in the Established Church. These acts form part of the royal pre-


rogative, defined as arbitrary authority of legislative, executive and

judicial character.

3. The House of Commons (or lower chamber) is a popular assembly elected for a term of not more than 5 years by almost universal adult suffrage. Each member of Parliament (MP) – represents one of 650 geographical areas (constituencies) into which the country is divided for electoral purposes (533 for England, 40 for Wales, 59 for Scotland and about 18 for Northern Ireland in 2013). If an MP dies, resigns or is made a peer, a by-election is held in that constituency to elect a new MP. Leaders of the government and opposition sit on the front benches of the Commons, with their supporters (back-benchers) behind them. The House is presided over by the Speaker.

4.The main opposition party forms a Shadow Cabinet, which is more or less as the government would be if the party were in power, and the relevant members act as opposition spokesmen on major issues.

5.The House of Lords is probably the only upper House in the

democratic world whose members are not elected. It is made up of the Lords spiritual (the Archbishops of York and Canterbury and 20 bishops) and the Lords temporal. The number of peers is not fixed; as of 6 October 2013 the House of Lords had 771 members. Less than 90 of them were hereditary peers. The rest were life peers, named by the sovereign on the advice of the prime minister, thus they could not pass on their title when they die. The main legislative function of peers is to examine and revise bills from the Commons but the House can only delay a bill from becoming law for a maximum of 12 months. The Lords cannot normally prevent proposed legislation from becom-

ing law if the Commons insists on it.

6. Executive power in Great Britain belongs to a prime minister (PM) and the cabinet of ministers. The prime minister is usually the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons. He or she consults and advises the monarch on government business, supervises and to some extent coordinates the work of the various ministries and departments and is the principal spokesperson for the government in the House of Commons.

7. The cabinet is the nucleus of government. By custom, cabinet ministers are selected from among members of the two houses of parliament. They are appointed by the Crown on the recommendation of the prime minister. The number of members of the British cabinet varies but usually is about 25-30 ministers. The cabinet meets in private and its deliberations are secret; no vote is taken, and, by the principle of "cabinet unanimity", collective responsibility is assumed for all decisions taken. It is a political convention for the cabinet to


act as a single man, which means that a minister who cannot accept a cabinet decision must resign.

8. Unlike some other countries (the USA for example), not even the most senior administrative jobs change hands when a new government comes to power. The day-to-day running of the government and the implementation of its policy continue in the hands of the same people that were there with the previous government - the top rank of the civil service. Governments come and go, but the civil service remains. Civil servants get a high salary (higher than that of their ministers), have absolute job security (unlike their ministers); moreover, civil servants know the secrets of the previous government which the present minister is unaware of.

9. In accordance with the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, the judicial functions of the final national court of appeal in civil and criminal cases were transferred from the House of Lords and entrusted to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, which consists of 12 judges appointed by the monarch.


European Community - Европейское экономическое сообщество

adopt - принимать

Windsor Castle - Виндзорский замок (одна из официальных загородных резиденций английских королей в г. Виндзоре, графство Беркшир; строительство замка начато при Вильгельме Завоевателе в 1070)

reign – царствовать; иметь власть, влияние rule - править; господствовать

summon – созывать, собирать

dissolve - прекращать деятельность, распускать

House of Lords - палата лордов

royal prerogative - королевская прерогатива

royal assent - королевская санкция (принятого парламентом закона) bill - законопроект

legal enactment - закон, указ, законодательный акт sign - подписывать(ся), ставить подпись

cede - оставлять, сдавать

confer honours - жаловать, даровать награды, почести appointment – назначение (на должность, место)

office of state - государственное ведомство, учреждение Established Church - государственная церковь (официально при-

знана государством и частично финансируется им) arbitrary authority – полномочие произвольно принимать решение

House of Commons - палата общин


popular assembly – народное собрание

universal adult suffrage - всеобщее избирательное право constituency - избирательный округ

be made a peer - возвести в пэры, утвердить членом палаты лордов hold by-election - проводить дополнительные выборы

front bench - министерская скамья в английском парламенте или скамья, занимаемая лидерами оппозиции в парламенте

back-bencher - рядовой член парламента, "заднескамеечник" preside over - председательствовать

Speaker - спикер (старшее должностное лицо в палате общин; председательствует на её заседаниях, следит за соблюдением правил парламентской процедуры и порядком дебатов; избирается из числа членов палаты; не принимает участия в дебатах и голосовании, за исключением тех случаев, когда голоса делятся поровну; тогда его голос является решающим)

Shadow Cabinet - "теневой кабинет" (парламентский комитет главной оппозиционной партии, состоящий из ведущих деятелей этой партии, которые занимаются теми же вопросами, что и члены кабинета)

Upper House - верхняя палата

lords spiritual - "духовные лорды" (епископы - члены палаты лордов) lords temporal - "мирские лорды" (светские члены палаты лордов) fix - устанавливать; фиксировать

hereditary peer - наследственный пэр life peer - пожизненный пэр

pass on - передавать, оставлять (по наследству и т. п.) examine – рассматривать; изучать

revise - видоизменять, изменять, модифицировать, перерабатывать, пересматривать

delay - задерживать, замедлять; препятствовать prevent - препятствовать, мешать, не допускать proposed legislation - предложенный законопроект insist on - настаивать на

majority party – партия большинства government business - государственные заказы ministry - ведомство, департамент, министерство

spokesperson – представитель; лицо, выступающее от чьего-л. имени, оратор

nucleus - ядро; центр

cabinet minister - член совета министров vary - изменять(ся), менять(ся)

integrate – объединять, интегрировать

submission - передача на рассмотрение, представление документов in private - наедине; конфиденциально


deliberation - рассмотрение, обсуждение, дискуссия unanimity - единодушие

collective responsibility - коллективная ответственность (принцип управления, при котором каждый член органа, принимающего решения, сохраняет свое членство только при условии принятия на себя полной ответственности за все решения данного органа)

single man – одно лицо, единый субъект

resign - уходить в отставку, подавать в отставку; оставлять пост change hands - переходить в другие руки

come to power - прийти к власти

day-to-day running – повседневное функционирование

civil service - гражданская служба, чиновничий аппарат министерств

high salary – высокая оплата труда

job security - гарантия занятости, гарантированность работы unaware of – не осведомленный

final national court – высший государственный суд transfer from – передавать, перемещать (от) entrust to - вверять; возлагать, поручать, доверять

1.12. (*) FORMATION

- constitution, constitutional, unconstitutional, nonconstitutional, constitutionalism, constitutionality, constitutionally;

-evolve, evolution, evolutional, evolutionist, evolutionary;

-king, kingcraft, kingdom, kinglike, kingly, kingmaker;

-monarch, monarchy, monarchist, monarchic, monarchical.

-history, prehistory, historic, prehistoric, historical, historically, historian, historiography, historiographer, historicity;

-oppose, opposable, opposed, opposer, opposing, opposite, oppositely, opposition.


1. How many European states are constitutional monarchies?

2.Which parts does the United Kingdom comprise?

3.What are the powers and functions of the monarch today?

4.Who governs in the name of the sovereign?

5.How are cabinet members selected?

6.What makes up the British Parliament?

7.What types of lords are in the upper chamber?

8.How are members of the House of Commons elected?

9.How long is the term of MPs?